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Red Ants Pants Music Festival Collection

The Red Ants Pants Music Festival is one of our favorite things. We worked with the Festival and Red Ants Pants Foundation to bring you the O. Sophronia Red Ants Pants Collection, highlighting some of the goodness that the 2021 music festival brings.

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Amplify Your Life: Main Stage 2022

​O. Sophronia wants to amplify that everyday by giving you some curated music to match your mood.


Check out the playlist for the Red Ants Pants Music Festival 10th anniversary here!



Amplify Your Life: Side Stage 2022

Ever put on an outfit and it just makes you feel amazing?  Ever picked up something beautiful and just feel joy? Our jewelry is designed to do just that.


O. Sophronia wants to amplify that everyday by giving you some curated music to match your mood.



The Red Ants Pants Foundation

The Red Ants Pants Music Festival helps further the mission of the Red Ants Pants Foundation - and 10% of the proceeds from the purchase of your earrings goes to the Red Ants Pants Timber Skills workshops.


Basically, your support for the festival has a lasting impact on advancing women’s leadership, rural communities, and working family farms and ranches.  Super cool, right?


Watch the video to learn more!

The Live From The Back Pasture Series

The Red Ants Pants Music Festival also produces the Live From The Back Pasture series, where a select number of artists are invited to the back pasture to record a session. You can subscribe to it on YouTube here!


Here is one of our favorites from the festival.

Quotes for your day

“My mission in life is not merely to survive but to thrive and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

Maya Angelou


Where does the wood come from?

Most of the wood that O. Sophronia uses comes from small urban mills in California and Washington.  We can tell you where the tree grew, often down to the street corner it grew on.  Most urban logs end up in the landfill, so using urban lumber ensures that we're not wasting this amazing resource.


We work with the saw mills (especially Urban Wood Rescue, which Bethany used to manage) to get pieces of wood that we can then mill down and turn into beautiful pieces of jewelry.

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